A complete description of the completed and current projects of the research group can be found at the following link:
Current European and National projects:
- Title: Herramientas matemáticas para el razonamiento no canónico y sistemas inteligentes (MOONRISE).

- Title: Design of formal intelligent systems for the digitalization and optimization of renewable energy – DESIGNER. Spanish title: DisEño de SIstemas inteliGeNtes formales para la digitalización y optimización de las Energías Renovable.

- Title: Investigation of a predictive intelligent maintenance platform of infrastructures – iPredice. Spanish title: Investigación de una PlatafoRma intEligente de mantenimiento preDICtivo de infraEstructuras.

- Reference and title: CA17124 DIGital FORensics: evidence Analysis via intelligent Systems and Practices (DigForASP)

- Title: Mathematics for Computational Intelligence Systems – M·CIS: Spanish title: Matemáticas para el desarrollo de sistemas inteligentes.

- Title: Fuzzy formal tools for non canonical reasoning. HARMONIC: Spanish title: Herramientas formAles difusas para RazonaMientO No canónICo.

- Title: Mathgreen: Fuzzy mathematical techniques for renewable energy challenges in a discrete framework. Spanish tittle: Técnicas matemáticas difusas para los retos de las energías renovables en un marco discreto
Transference of Knowledge. Projects with companies:
- Title: (MCIS-GENera) Mathematics for intelligence fault classification in efficient photovoltaic energy generation. Spanish tittle: Matemáticas para la Clasificación Inteligente de anomalíaS en la Generación Eficiente de eNErgía solaR fotovoltaicA

- Title: BIG DATA at CBC (Centro Bahía de Cádiz).

- Title: (GEN-MCIS) Intelligent system to the optimization of photovoltaic plants. Spanish tittle: Sistema inteliGENte para la optiMizaCión de Instalaciones fotovoltaicaS

- Title: New methods of prediction, manufacturing and application of supplements.